Stiff Knees

If you’re suffering from a knee injury, knee pain, or arthritis, learn how JIS Orthopedics can help you get back to living your life without limits. To schedule a consultation, click the button below!

What Our Patients Say

“What a refreshing change from some of the other doctors I saw for my knees! The entire staff were top notch! No long wait to see the doctor, which is unheard of around here. He was personable, friendly and professional. He provided me an option for my pain which really helped me. He was honest and to the point. So glad I went to him! Highly recommend him!” — Karen H.

Stiff knees can make many daily tasks challenging. However, you don’t have to continue living with this discomfort. Find out some of the possible causes and the treatments available for knee stiffness in this article.

If you feel stiffness or pain in your knee and want to know about available treatment options, contact one of our offices today at JIS Orthopedics. We have locations in New Albany and St. Clairsville, Ohio.

Our expert orthopedic specialists can answer any questions you have about the cause of your knee pain and provide a treatment plan to help relieve the pain. Give us a call or book your visit online!

What Are Stiff Knees?

Knee stiffness is very common among older people, especially those who are physically active. You may have knee stiffness as a result of poor flexibility or muscular imbalances in the legs. Arthritis or injury are other common causes of knee stiffness.

Here we will consider the common causes of stiff knee pain. We will also consider how to treat and prevent knee stiffness.

Common Causes of Stiff Knees

There may be many reasons why you experience knee stiffness. Some of the common knee injuries and conditions that cause knee stiffness are found below.


Knee arthritis is among the most common reasons why you may have stiff knee pain. There are several types of arthritis; however, consider the two most common:

  • Osteoarthritis — This condition is sometimes called wear and tear arthritis. It is the most common type of arthritis. As the knee cartilage deteriorates, bone-on-bone contact is more likely, leading to inflammation and swelling.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis — This is an autoimmune condition that can cause joint stiffness and pain in almost any joint in your body. You will likely have symptoms in more than one joint.

Meniscus Injury

You have two menisci in your knee joint. These “C” shaped pieces of cartilage protect your knee by absorbing shock between bones. A meniscus tear can occur when you make a sudden movement or twisting with force. Menisci can also degrade over time.

Ligament Injury

Ligaments connect bone to bone. Knee ligaments cross through the knee to connect your thigh bone to your lower leg bone. Ligament injuries can cause swelling and stiffness.

Knee Tendonitis

Tendinitis is a repetitive strain injury that affects the tendons. Tendons are fibrous tissues that connect bone to muscle.

Tendonitis in the knee often affects the patella tendon. This tendon attaches the kneecap or patella to the shinbone. Those that participate in running, skiing, and cycling have a tendency to develop patellar tendonitis.

Knee Bursitis

The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion your knee. Some injuries to the knee can cause the bursae to get inflamed, resulting in stiffness.


Arthrofibrosis is a condition caused by the accumulation of excessive amounts of scar tissue around the knee joint. Scar tissue may form after knee surgeries such as ACL surgery or joint replacement.

Symptoms Related to Stiff Knees

You may have other symptoms along with stiff knees. The following are some associated symptoms:

  • Knee pain
  • Redness and warmth in the knee joint
  • Weakness or instability at the knee
  • Crunching or popping noises
  • Reduced range of motion in the knee.
  • Hip or foot pain

How Are Stiff Knees Treated?

When stiff knee joints are caused by a knee injury, the following home treatments can help relieve joint pain and stiffness.

  • Rest from activity
  • Ice the knee joint every hour, 10-15 minutes at a time
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Wear a knee brace to support the injured knee while it heals

More severe injuries or severe knee stiffness may require medical attention. An orthopedic doctor will select the most appropriate treatments according to your condition and its severity. Treatments for knee stiffness include the following:

  • Prescription pain relievers
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Referral to a rheumatologist for medical management
  • Physical therapy, including stretching exercises, to improve your knee function and overall mobility
  • Knee surgery

How to Prevent Stiff Knees

The following points will help you to prevent knee stiffness.

  • Stay active
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Stretch often
  • Seek treatment for your knee injuries early
  • Wear appropriate footwear

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you have knee stiffness along with the following symptoms, then you should seek medical attention:

  • Your knee is unstable or it has difficulty bearing weight
  • You have excessive knee swelling
  • The stiffness does not allow you to fully extend or bend your knee
  • There is an obvious deformity in your knee
  • Fever along with pain, swelling, and redness in your knee
  • Severe knee pain as a result of injury

Schedule an Appointment with Us Today!

If you are experiencing discomfort in your knee joint, contact our team of specialists at JIS Orthopedics today! Our expert doctors in New Albany and St. Clairsville, OH are ready to help. Give us a call or book your visit online now!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexander G. Athey

Treat Your Knee Pain Today

Arthritis of the knee can be very painful and debilitating, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, it can often be managed successfully. If you suspect knee joint arthritis, schedule an appointment with JIS Orthopedics today! We have offices located in New Albany and St. Clairsville.

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