What is an E.O.B.?


Hello, I’m Dr. Zachary Byrd. 

An EOB is an explanation of benefits, and it’s actually from your insurance provider. It’s not a bill. A lot of people think that it’s a bill. 

There are a lot of numbers and dollar signs on there. But really, the explanation of benefits is more of a description of how the claim that you’re making with us is being processed. 

So, it’s nothing you have to pay, but it may be a preview of what you might owe someone at the time of your surgery— someone being any of the different providers involved.

If you would like to know more about your Explanation of Benefits, contact us at JIS Orthopedics. Our specialists in New Albany and St. Clairsville, Ohio, can give you the answers you are looking for. Schedule a visit with us today!

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